Environmental issues might not instantly come to mind when businesses think about economic success, but ultimately compliance with the governing environmental law and the management of related issues can decide upon the fate of a project or transaction.
Broad Spectrum of Services
At Kirm Perpar we assist our domestic and international clients with all aspects of environmental law, including advice on the environmental aspects of commercial transactions, regulatory proceedings, disputes and litigation proceedings, as well as environmental assessments. We also represent clients in administrative and civil procedures regarding the management of contaminated air, soil or water, and advise on corrective actions, determination of environmental responsibilities, water law, waste law, public health, emission quotas and environmental taxation.
In-depth Sector Specialism
Our client base also includes companies active in the field of environmental technologies.
Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria (ESG)
The climate change crisis has initiated an in-depth rethinking on the role of business entities in modern society. Accordingly, our customers are facing new ESG risks in their business environment and facing new ESG obligations under valid EU legislation. At Kirm Perpar we keep close look on these new developments.