Due to the declaration of the epidemic and the related restrictive measures, the President of the Supreme Court adopted in November 2020 the Order on special measures, which suspended the procedural time limits and limited the operation of courts in non-urgent cases. As of today, all procedural deadlines that have been suspended due to the epidemic are running again, and the courts are once again operating in full, also in non-urgent cases. This was set forth in the new Order of the President of the Supreme Court, which was published on Wednesday, 28 January 2021, and entered into force today.
In non-urgent cases, applications can continue to be submitted only by mail or via the eSodstvo portal, and communication with the courts is only possible by phone or electronically. The parties, their proxies and other persons who are not invited may appear in court only during office hours with prior notice. Further on, the courts will have to take into account all the recommendations of the NIJZ and adjust their work in such a way as to prevent or limit the spread of COVID-19 virus infection as much as possible.